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Sign up for Youth Badminton Public Welfare Training Activity

       As a small ball sport, badminton is popular among teenagers for its strong operability and easy start. In this winter, in order to promote youth sports, and enrich teenagers’ spare-time physical and cultural life, and boost mass fitness activities, Dalian Sports Center will carry out youth badminton public welfare training activity. Teenagers across the city are welcome to sign up.

       It is learned that this badminton public welfare training activity will start in the badminton hall of the comprehensive stadium on December 6, recruiting teenagers who love badminton aged 9-13 across the city. This activity is in two classes and will last for one month. Each class is consisted of four sessions and starts from 3PM to 5PM every Wednesday and 10AM to 12AM every Saturday. What is worth mentioning is that the number of teenagers recruited for this activity is limited to 40 for the purpose of guaranteeing the teaching quality. Join us as soon as possible. Enquiry and application Tel.: 0411-86698893.

       This training is aimed to familiarize teenagers with basic knowledge and basic skills for badminton, discover and cultivate teenager players with potentials, and further promote the development of youth sports by gathering youth sports enthusiasts to organize amateur events. Moreover, by carrying out various public welfare trainings, the Sports Center hopes to bring into full play the stadium functions and provide a training platform for teenagers. Through sports exercise activities, teenagers could walk out of their houses, and live an enriched life. We strive to attract more teenagers into healthy sports activities.

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