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Dalian Open Caddie Volunteers Fully Equipped

       The 2017 Dalian Open will begin in September 3rd. The sports center has held citywide amateur tennis tournaments since the beginning of the year, which not only brings tennis into the majority of teenagers and students, but creates an atmosphere for Dalian citizens to participate in the tennis. Since July, the Organizing Committee of the 2017 Dalian Open has cooperated with the English Institute of Dalian University of Foreign Languages, selecting volunteers and caddies on campus. At present, 157 volunteers and caddies have been in place . They are going to begin their journey of the Dalian Open.


       Caddies on court are absolutely unsung heroes. The 66 caddies as a group of the earliest entrance trainingare trained 5.5 hours everyday before the race about racing simulation and basic technical trainings such as cross-site scripting and pass in the blazing sunshine. The female students among caddies make up a large proportion, but during the training, when there were abrasions, sprains, and heat stroke, etc., everyone encouraged each other and overcame difficulties, showing a good spirit and quality. After 10 days of intense training, the caddie is about to stand on court and join the competition.


       If the tennis court is a stage, the 91 volunteers will be backstage workers who are distributed at 13 posts such as the reception of players, venue relay, security services, audience services and certificate transaction. They are unnable to watch any complete game. When the field is in full swing, they remain on doing jobs in their respective positions. They are the guardian for ensuring that the tournament can go on wheels.


       They will gain a new experience in the early autumn as well. They, with like-minded people, spend their best years and leave good memories in the Dalian Open.

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