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BubbleRun Starts in a Cool Way, Bringing a Cool Summer to Coastal City


       Last Saturday, BubbleRun, known as the “Happiest 5km on Earth” started at Dalian Sports Center in a cool way, bringing a cool summer to the steaming hot coastal city. This year, BubbleRun with a brand-new experience mode reignited the passion of the coastal city. That day, nearly 5,000 people gathered at the square and annular trackto participate in BubbleRun, enjoying a peculiar “bubble bath”. In a bubble feast filled with drifting snowflake-like bubbles, runners ran, laughed and screamed with their relatives and friends, experiencing their unprecedented leisure time.

       At the end of the warm-up activity at the square, the organizers of BubbleRun guided the runners to start off in groups. The crazy crowd enjoyed a sea of bubbles. At regular distances, a number of hairstyle bubble machines would shoot huge colorful bubbles at the crowd, with continuous bubbles drifting towards the crowd. Accompanied by music, snowflake-like bubbles flew all over the sky. The runners jumped for joy in the “snow”, and enjoyed the dreamy pleasure of colorful bubbles moving through them. They seemed to be completely immersed in a dreamy world of bubbles.

       In the campaign, the runners participated with passion; the atmosphere was enthusiastic; DJs remixed music with excitement; adults and children sought the joy of sports amid the cheers; love, family affection and friendship were frozen in the running process. It can be counted as a healthy mass storm campaign. In addition to conveying a healthy lifestyle, BubbleRUN created a recreational social contact via sports, which is characterized by online and offline interactions, live streaming by web celebrities, interactions among net users, love expression, conveying of family affection, healthy life enjoyment, and conveying of a healthy life concept, allowing us to feel the infinite pleasure in life brought by sports. According to the introduction by the sponsor, BubbleRUN is aimed to achieve a “resonance” through “experience”, and finally to realize “recognition”, enabling every participant to have an emotional resonance, find a sense of belonging and enjoy the ultimate experience in the Sports Center. 

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