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2016 FIFA/CFA Referee Tainting Program Was Held in Dalian Sports Center 


       Recently, the FIFA/CFA Referee Training Program hosted by FIFA and CFA was held in Dalian Sports Center.

       This training program was lectured by FIFA technical instructor Ishiyama Noboru (Japan) and FIFA physical fitness instructor Ganesan Maniam (Singapore), with CFA referee Sun Baojie as the assistant instructor. 33 trainees from all over China participated in this training. By adopting the latest FIFA video teaching materials and the method of group discussion, the instructors analyzed FIFA video materials and focused on the knowledge and approaches of being a referee. During training, besides classroom sessions, outdoor practice sessions were also arranged in every afternoon. Coordinated by U17 players of Dalian Yifang Football Club, latest FIFA referee training and organization methods were demonstrated. Domestic instructors and trainees were involved by groups to instruct local young referees on site. The physical fitness instructor and technical instructor watched the performance of each trainee carefully, and then made a summary towards their performance after each group finished.

       It is known that the Sports Center has, since this year, undertaken CFA Class C and Class D Referee Training Programs, Youth Public Training Camp, Elite Referee Training Program and FIFA Referee Training Program, etc., totaling up to 15, and accommodated almost one thousand instructors, trainees, and working staffs. The number of referee training programs, training projects, and trainees in the Sports Center has been on the rise in recent years. Many young trainees have been exchanging ideas here with domestic and foreign instructors to enhance their professional skills. The Sports Center has become a well known training base for coaches and referees for its excellent service provided for each training program.

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