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Innovative Yearly Number of Cultural Performances in Sports Center to Build 

a Northeastern Culture Cluster


       Looking back on the whole year, the number of performances, such as concerts, beauty contests, mass shows, corporate culture seminars, etc. undertaken by Dalian Sports Center has increased significantly. It is learned that, the Sports Center, which has organized a total of 25 sessions and attracted a total of nearly 300,000 viewers and performers in 2017, is gradually becoming the leading stadium in the cultural performance market of northeastern China.

       In 2017, many domestic and overseas famous pop musicians have been attracted to the Sports Center, and many artists, such as Joker Xue, Mayday, Yoga Lin, Wu Bai & China Blue, Jacky Cheung, Angela Chang and Gloria Tang Tsz-Kei have held concerts here. What is particularly noteworthy is that the concert of Megastar, Jacky Cheung, was held three nights in succession at the Damai Center (Dalian Sports Center-Stadium) in early December, during which, all seats were occupied and nearly 40,000 audiences were attracted, creating unparalleled social benefits. One of the highlights of this year is the 67th Miss World China Finals, which is the beauty pageant with the largest scale, the highest level of competition and the best brand reputation in China. On the night of the final, nearly 100 beauties from the whole country competed on the stage, expanding the influence of Chinese beauty; In addition, in the iQIYI "Screaming Night" full LIVE interactive concert, a number of super stars were attracted, where the stars and fans could interact in real time as well as the web celebrities PK link, breaking the traditional model, applying new technology to the interaction, creating a new full live interactive concert. The Dalian Domestic & Overseas Stars Concert was held during the Davos Forum in summer, attracting many local residents and guests of the Davos Forum, which not only livened things up for the Summer Davos Annual Meeting, but became the cultural carnival of the residents.

       In addition, the international direct selling giant, Mary Kay Inc. held a 10-day seminar from September 9 in the Damai Center, during which, the average daily attendance was nearly 10,000 people, while the vast majority of whom were not locals. It is learned that, during the Mary Kay Annual Meeting, the daily consumption per capita of the attendances is over RMB 1,200, and the direct economic income brought by the meeting reaches RMB 120 million.

       It is reported that, in the Sports Center, many big-name performances, which were full of highlights, and famous stars, have been finalized in 2018. By that time, the Sports Center will also pay more attention to the viewing experience of the audience and increase more interaction with the audience inside and outside the stadium.

       After four years of elaborate operation, the Sports Center has gradually become the most dynamic landmark of art and culture in Dalian and is committed to becoming the premier venue for performance, sports and culture in northeastern China.

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